
2012 *.*

Today I feel like telling everyone to FUCK OFF ! .

I wanna be happy, why do people have a problem with that ? .

Just leave me the fuck alone, I don't want anyone telling me to STOP having fun, just because they want me to  -.-''

I wanna go out .
I wanna hang with my friends .
I wanna love .
I wanna have fun .
I wanna pick mysel up from the ground .
I don't wanna be hurt .
And most of all, I wanna LIVE .

So in 2012, I have all this wishes, that can be formed in just one BE HAPPY        c(:

So please, bastards and bitches, stay the fuck away from me, got it ? .
GREAT ! . 

1 comentário:

  1. Miuda diverte-te!! Tens toda razão, deixa todos de parte e vai curtir a tua vida, eu apoio-te. Mereces ser feliz. My princess live your life!!
