
The heart speaks music, to your ears . . .

Girl:.  Porque é que quando estou contigo não preciso de mais nada ?

Boy:.  Porque, tu és o meu mundo, onde eu encontro tudo o que preciso . E eu sou o teu, e em mim podes encontrar tudo o que desejares .

Girl:.  Quando dizes essas cenas, 'tás mesmo a falar a serio ?

Boy:.  Claro, mas porque perguntas ?

Girl:. É que eu não sou tão bonita, como o resto das raparigas . . . nem sou como elas . . . e não percebo como podes dizer isso tudo, mesmo a sério . . . tenho medo que estejas a gozar comigo . . .

Boy:.  O facto de não seres como elas, é o que te torna tão especial e perfeita . E tu não és tão bonita como elas, porque a tua beleza nem pode ser comparada aquilo que elas têm . . . se fosse elas iam ser todas consideradas feiosissimas . . . Digo-te estas coisas, porque te amo acima de tudo . . . Como já te disse tu és o meu Mundo . . . e sem ti não posso viver logo, não estou a gozar contigo . . .

Girl:. Ohh, fiquei sem saber o que dizer . . . Também te amo acima de tudo, obrigada, e fazes-me um favor ?

Boy:. Tudo .

Girl:. Nunca me deixes .

Boy:. Mesmo que quisesse não o poderia fazer ! .


Crying in the rain is the best thing :')


Another disappointement . . .

"Sometimes we make mistakes bigger than before, but your job is to forgive us not to judge us . . . we have enough judgement already . . ."

So the next time you decide to leave me, with no explanations besides the " I have my reasons" think again... Because I need you, more than anything, you are the one thing that can make me go through all the judgement people like to do, you are everything... and I <3 u ! More than I should even though you don't understand that. . .

Still, next time you choose to leave me all by myself, near an emotional breakdown, remenber I can as easly go look for a cliff to jump . . .
When you leave, I feel empty, feel like nothing, and then I think I MUST JUMP ! .


The rose of destiny . . .

“Touched by the dawn,
you like to see my tearing eyes…

Crying for you …
The perfect rose of destiny…

Now what??
Am I supposed to live without you?
I wish I could but I don’t think I’m that much strong…
Please come back for me, please my perfect rose!

Don’t let yourself be destroyed by the other’s
Don’t abandon me here to die, because that’s what’s going to happen if you disappear from the world

You’re petals count my too painful living
maybe you should go away, that way I couldn’t count them…

But NO I prefer to torture myself even more
Than to lose you

My biggest fear, is your disappearance
But my phobia is to suffer, which is what you do to me

You make me suffer, so what can I do?
Face my biggest fear or my phobia??

I have no idea, I would ask you…
but you’re nothing but a simple rose…

Have I been writing all this to a rose?
OMFFG, I think I did, I’m really crazy. . .

But crazy, just for you…” -  by vanny patronilho